Canine Positional Releases CPD (on-site or Zoom options)
14th March 2025 @ 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
The aim is to engage the body’s neuromuscular and neurofascial functions to rebalance themselves through gentle activation, while incorporating an applied behaviour approach.
We utilise detailed assessment techniques, including motion palpation, to pinpoint priority areas to enable release, realignment and correct function.
We focus on positional releases, utilising postural and counterstrain methods to improve effectiveness of trigger point treatment, and to educate the body out of old postural habits and strain patterns. We combine this with Muscle Energy Techniques; through both holds and slow directed movements, to reset muscle function, improve range of motion, aid in proprioceptive toning and reduce pain.
Mobilisation approaches are integrated throughout as assessment and therapy.
The movements are gentle and within the comfort range of the individual, yet are very effective at facilitating release.