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The course incorporates positional holds, distractions, compressions and mobilisations to loosen tight muscles and joints; helping to improve / maintain range of movement, realign, and prevent injury. Students work through a range of techniques covering cranial work, cervicals and neck, C7/T1 junction, shoulder work, thoracolumbar mobilisations, ribcage, pelvis, tail and limbs.

Utilising these techniques can enhance your assessment techniques as well as helping to make clear differences in equine performance, straightness and athletic ability.  They can enhance any equine practice.

The day starts with a section on the current theory and practical application of trigger point work, positional release and Muscle Energy Techniques, and how to integrate the behaviour led approaches into your current methods for longer lasting and better results with less effort.
The day is a practical day, with tutored hands on experience throughout. Students also receive a comprehensive manual to aid their home practice.

“A very useful and enjoyable course.”
Sarah Langridge, Equine Chiropractor

“This is a valuable adjunct to my massage work.”
Lisa Walker, Equine Practitioner

“Had such a great day on Saturday – thanks so much – well worth the three hour drive!”
Stephanie Dootson, Equine Veterinary Physiotherapist


Please contact us via the contact page or via email to book your space.