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Applied Herbal Choices for Animals (Level 4 Diploma) 

The Applied Herbal Choices for Animals Consultation qualification is a level 4 diploma accredited by NCFE.  The course focuses on the study of the innate behaviour of animals to self medicate from nature.  It includes practical and theoretical information on plant oils and wild herbs, and a specific method to help owners help their animals’ wellbeing.

The Merishia Massage equine and canine practitioner courses are accredited with the UK awarding body; NCFE. This deep tissue mobilisation approach can be used to release physical and emotional tension, improve performance and aid in rehabilitation.  We have training centres in Somerset, Bucks and Kent.

Reiki for Animals (3 tiered Certificates)

Reiki is a non invasive therapy, applied via a gentle touch. It can enable deep relaxation and stimulate the body’s healing and self regulatory mechanisms. This course covers self help techniques, application to people and to animals.  The course brings in Jo Rose’s holistic knowledge and experience from over 20 years of practice as a human and animal therapist.