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Canine Rehabilitation and Strengthening

This Canine Rehabilitation and Strengthening CPD course comprises of a number of practical exercises to help strengthen specific muscle groups. Students may bring their dogs to take part in the practical sections of the course.

Our trainer on this subject; Liz Tyrrell-Asprey is a busy canine physiotherapist based in Somerset, who also regularly provides training canine training for animal physiotherapists and other canine body-workers.

The course covers mechanics of the musculoskeletal system, conditions that cause dysfunction and typical gait / movement compromises as  result, discussion on repair, equipment available to aid the healing process, case study discussions, gait analysis and lots of practical exercises with simple equipment for the practitioner to bring into their practice.

Jo Rose (musculoskeletal practitioner) provides a section on the benefits of oscillation and vibrations on healing, rehabilitation and strengthening, and covers some equipment and techniques.

In the rehabilitation field, students are provided with background information on the benefits of each method, and the exercises are then demonstrated by Liz before students practice each method. We encourage students to bring dogs to ensure that we have a wide variety of breeds, ages, disciplines and requirements.

‘Thank you for a brilliant time. The dogs are still blissed out after yesterday, and I feel like I have come away with some great new tools for my business.’ Beatrice Boyle (McTimoney Animal Spinal Therapist)