The Applied Equine Manual Therapy training integrates equine behaviour and biomechanics with soft tissue work and skeletal mobilisations.
To qualify for the primary certificate in Applied Equine Manual Therapy, students must complete the Equine Merishia Massage Certificate before continuing. The Equine Merishia Massage course includes home study and four practical tuition dates. Other equine massage qualifications will be considered. Please contact us for more information.
Other elements include:
Understanding Horses: Distance learning (with practical assessment during the practical elements of the course) in ‘Reading the Response of the Horse‘ and the ‘Applied Equine Handling Skills‘. They ensure that the student has an understanding of essential equine body language, and provide skills to help them safely and appropriately handle horses. It includes some simple advice that may be useful for owners. It is not uncommon for horses to be mis-read or misunderstood, and sometimes a simple change in handling can make a big change in the horse.
Soft tissue work, mobilisation and stretches (1 day): We revise and discuss techniques we currently use, and then practically work through some additional techniques. These include further muscle release techniques, work on the fascia, joint mobilisations and stretches.
Holistic Saddle Fitting (1 day): Hannah Griffiths, holistic saddle fitter / designer and ride with your mind instructor, combines her knowledge of biomechanics with her detailed knowledge of saddle production and what is available in the industry. She brings in current information from science based studies and her own experience with competition and family horses.