Equine and Canine Realignment Therapy and Psoas Release with Lucy Yeomans
26th July 2025 @ 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
You will learn a simple high vibrational energy healing technique that releases fascia and soft tissue quickly, to enable the skeletal structure to realign. This is particularly effective for cranial realignment and for releasing the Psoas muscle. It is vital that the physical body is in alignment, as any misalignment can cause physical pain and restricted movement. Releasing the Psoas muscle is essential for realignment to be long lasting.
Students will receive a Manual prior to the course containing a summary of Anatomy. The practical course will give students the opportunity to learn and practise energy healing techniques to realign the skeletal structure for horses and dogs.
This 1 day course is available to anyone who is qualified in an energy therapy such as Reiki which has covered both people and animals or any open minded manual therapist.
Lucy Yeomans is a busy human and animal practitioner. Influenced by many years of study and practice in energy and manual therapies, she devised this gentle yet powerful and long lasting approach to body realignment.
Lucy describes this as a non invasive version of a chiropractic session, as intent is focused on musculo-skeletal realignment, with often similar but longer lasting results. The process is all via a light touch and specific vibrational energy.