Equine CPD Training in the Fascial Edge Tool
September 13 @ 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
This is a unique tool, designed by human and animal chiropractor; Andrew Glaister.
The course was written in conjunction with, and endorsed by Andrew, who has provided his well researched protocol for practitioner application. Input has also been provided from Myofascial Release specialist; Dawn Seaman, with additional research, discussion and practical tips from Jo Rose. Both Jo and Dawn trained with Andrew in 2011 and 2012. The Fascial Edge Tool course took over a year to produce, and was first run in 2015. It has been updated with current fascial facts as needed.
This effective tool has so many uses: assessing tissue, releasing tight tissue, stimulating acu-points, release of tension around joints and vertebrae, and improving tissue function. The course focuses largely on horses, but we can provide a short section on dogs too on request.
Students are provided with a booklet that includes information on fascia, the tool and how to use it, plus the scan line protocol for application. The CPD hours total 6.5 as home practice tasks are given.
£210 (includes the tool, with booklet and USB video stick, which normally retails at £165 on it’s own)
£85 without the tool (if you already have one)